Customer Testimonials

I can't sing your praises enough!

Your theory works well with my brain and you are my go-to source time and again. I started a four-month captioning course this past May, and no matter the subject matter, your book is with me on the journey. And I smile when you have a brief that makes my job easier!
Karen Shipley
Court Reporter
I think this book should be required reading for every reporter. I’ve been reporting for 21 years, have my CRR and RMR, but I’d have to say I feel like I have just now ‘turned the corner’ after incorporating some of these briefs!
Jodi Harmon
Court Reporter
I owe you and Brief Encounters another big thanks.

This year (2015) at Intersteno, I was able to win the real-time world championship, and in the speed competition I was also able to move up to second fastest in the world.
John Wissenbach
Court Reporter
I really wanted to let you know that this week several of your briefs magically appeared in my writing without any effort, and I really like them! They are so easy to write. What is so great about these outlines is that they are assimilated from just looking at this book.
Lyn Lindsay
Court Reporter
Barely a working day passes that I don't avail myself of Briefs Encountered...

Barely a working day passes that I don't avail myself of Briefs Encountered, usually in the 'heat of battle' in the middle of testimony. Whenever I encounter a word that's giving me difficulties writing over and over, I know I can search for that term in Briefs Encountered and have my problem solved instantly. The logic of the shortcuts makes it easy to remember how to write the term. After my CAT software, I find Briefs Encountered the most valuable program on my laptop.
Dennis Dinkel
Court Reporter
I've used Briefs Encountered for years.

I've used Briefs Encountered for years. I captioned my first 'Daily Mass' and was ecstatic to find briefs for so many religious terms. The words themselves are easy to write, but they're uttered fast and often: holy, hosanna, alleluia, Jesus, sacrifice, everlasting, eucharist, apostle, etc. Thank you, you've made my job a lot easier.
Lynne Marie Zakrzewski
Court Reporter
Downright clever shorthand abbreviations that will save the day for court reporters and students.
Journal of Court Reporting (JCR)
NCRA Magazine
Students Love Us Too!

My favorite section of CATegorically Speaking is the lexicon of word associations where you can find great ideas for homonyms, antonyms, word families, rhyming words, etc.
Court Reporting Student
Online University
I’ve told my colleagues to keep CATegorically Speaking high on their priority list. I’ve gotten major winners from it.
Online Customer