Conflict-Free Briefing

A unique approach to solving an age-old "brief" problem…

Boucke Briefs is incredibly fast, flexible, friendly and easy to use!

Responsively Designed
The website provides a means to purchase any or all of our court reporting products.

You can order our CD-based legacy products and/or books which will ship to you by USPS within 1-2 working days. You can purchase any of our new cloud-based products here and have 24/7 access to many thousands of conflict-free briefs via the internet, through your desktop PC, laptop PC, smartphone or tablet. Please select the Products tab to begin this adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions that will serve to better your understanding of our products and to help you resolve any issues you may have regarding specific aspects of our books, software and web products are contained within the FAQ tab.

  • Faster than calling/emailing
  • Always available
  • Clear documentation

Customer Testimonials

Don't take OUR word for it - listen to what our CUSTOMERS have to say…
Students Love Us Too!

My favorite section of CATegorically Speaking is the lexicon of word associations where you can find great ideas for homonyms, antonyms, word families, rhyming words, etc.
Court Reporting Student
Online University
I’ve told my colleagues to keep CATegorically Speaking high on their priority list. I’ve gotten major winners from it.
Online Customer